DAO Membership & Admissions

Note: Membership applications and payments will be available after our official Launch Event

There are four tiers of DAO membership. See the comparison chart below.

Non-memberPayment-gatedApproval-gatedInvite-only VIP
This is the on-ramp for anyone curious about U30Paying membersVetted membersTop public figures
How to get inFree, just join DiscordPay $99/year
  • Pay $99/year
  • $49 one-time application fee and apply
  • Approved Gold application
Free, invite only
Discord accessBronze channelsSilver channelsGold channelsPlatinum channels
Access to online events
Access to IRL events additional fee included
View member directory

Bronze Tier 0


  • This is "non-membership"
  • All you have to do is join the Discord, which is open to everyone for free.
  • Access to Bronze Discord channels such as #general

Silver Tier 1


  • To get in, anyone can just pay $99/year. There’s no application approval process. We keep this low to be as inclusive as possible but enough to help with operating costs.
  • Access to Silver Discord channels, which should be less noisy than #general.
  • Access to website member directory. Can contact Silver members. Gold and Platinum contact information is hidden.
  • Access to online events (webinars, AMAs, topical discussions, fireside chats, workshops, deal-making)

Gold Tier 2


  • To apply, pay a $49 one-time non-refundable application fee. This covers the cost of us reviewing your application. We will review based on Gold Admissions Guidelines (see below).
  • You must maintain the $99/year DAO membership (same as Silver)
  • Access to Gold Discord channels
  • Access to website member directory. Can contact Gold and Silver members. Platinum contact info is hidden.
  • Access to IRL events. These will usually require an admissions fee to cover venue costs, but some smaller meetups can be free. The aim is to break-even on the event, not to make a profit.

Platinum Tier 3

Invite-only, VIP

  • Invite only. Reserved for select VIPs who can unilaterally attract top members
  • Free membership
  • Access to Platinum Discord
  • Free admission to IRL events
  • Access to website member directory. Can contact Platinum, Gold and Silver members.

Admissions Council

There are 5 Admissions Council seats. Initially, these will be held by the five core members. Admissions Council members are elected by DAO members. Terms are permanent unless a special recall proposal is called and approved. Admissions Council members are compensated via the application fees.

Council powers (by 3-2 majority vote):

  • Gold admissions decisions
  • Gold expulsion decisions
  • Platinum invite decisions

Gold Admissions Guidelines

The Admissions Council use these guidelines when reviewing Gold membership applications.

  • All members should embody and reflect the DAO’s values
  • Gold Members should roughly be the top 10% of Silver members
  • DAO Members may be expelled if they violate the Code of Conduct. They may also be demoted to Silver if their circumstances drastically change (e.g. lose job or career switch) and would no longer qualify for Gold.

Qualified members should have at least one of the following:


  • Has demonstrated ability to reach at least 50,000 real, unique people at will. This can be Followers on social media, or the reach of a blog or journal column.
  • Has publicly demonstrated actively working on a single social cause for at least 3 years
  • Has a sizable direct network of influential people
  • Is a public figure


  • Is or was an elected official in local, state or provincial, or federal government
  • Has been employed by a government, NGO, lobbying, or non-profit organization for at least 3 years


  • Is a VC, or has been employed by a VC firm for at least 2 years
  • Is or represents an accredited investor
  • Has founded a company that received more than $500k in outside funding
  • Is working on a caused-based startup who will likely raise funding in the next 6 months and would be directly involved in the fundraising process
  • Has been a member of the senior leadership team at a company with more than 30 employees, for at least 1 year


  • Is an academic with peer-reviewed publications or an active research lab
  • Has been working in a desired profession by the U30 DAO for at least 2 years (e.g. lawyer, software engineer, marketing, mass media)
  • Is a top subject matter expert in a field that the U30 DAO is interested in

Code of Conduct

We will provide an anonymous inbox for members to file grievances or complaints. The Admissions Council is responsible for reviewing submissions. Violations may result in DAO expulsion.

  • You should practice the DAO values
  • Flagrant disregard of DAO values will result in expulsion
  • Treat everyone with respect. Absolutely no harassment, witch hunting, sexism, racism, or hate speech will be tolerated.
  • Do not spam or self-promote except in proper, approved contexts
  • Do not act in any harmful way to the DAO
  • Do not do anything illegal
  • Do not do anything immoral